Sixth Form Expectations and Procedures


It is important that you make a full commitment to achieving success on your chosen courses in the Sixth Form. This Learning Agreement is drawn up to give you the best opportunity for success and must be submitted with your application to the Sixth Form.

All students agree to:

  • Be determined to make the most of their time in the Sixth Form and take responsibility for their learning.
  • Aim for 100% attendance and punctuality for the academic year, (minimum expected is 95%).  Please note, if attendance falls below 90% the Head of Sixth Form will review absences and make a decision on whether or not the school will fund examination entries.
  • Discuss with the 6th Form Coordinator in advance if they need to be absent from school for any reason (Driving lessons/doctor/dentist appointments should not be scheduled during school times).
  • Act as a positive role model for the younger students in both the school and community.
  • Contribute to the life of The Douay Martyrs Catholic Secondary School by undertaking community work and respecting the mission statement of the school.
  • Ensure that the signing in and out system is used as directed.
  • Attend all timetabled lessons, tutor registration periods, independent study periods, enrichment, briefings, masses and assemblies punctually.
  • Complete all independent learning tasks, homework and coursework in an exemplary manner, meeting deadlines issued by staff.
  • Ensure an outstanding work ethic – putting in every effort to ensure termly tracking grades are improved.
  • Make good use of independent study periods in school by using the study areas available.
  • Inform and seek advice from your subject teacher, tutor or Head of Year if you are having difficulty with any aspect of your studies.
  • Accept a shared responsibility with others in the Sixth Form for good conduct in school and for careful upkeep of Sixth Form areas.
  • Adopt a sensible, mature attitude in relationships with staff.
  • Wear the Sixth Form uniform: Business dress.
  • Do not take holidays during term-time.
  • Abide by all school rules and the Behaviour for Learning Policy.


  • Failing to abide by school rules.
  • Behaving or Talking to a member of staff inappropriately.
  • Not following the School ICT Usage Policy
  • Using mobile phones and i-pods/MP3 players etc. in lessons or around the school site.
  • Leaving the school site without permission.
  • Smoking on the school site, entrance, or roads leading to school site.
  • Allowing visitors on site without staff permission.
  • Littering.
  • Playing cards/table tennis/chess or other IT games in periods other than break or lunch times.
  • Talking/socialising/eating in the LRC (a silent study area.).


Students are expected to arrive promptly at 8.35am each morning and at the start of each lesson. If they arrive after 8.40am, they will be marked late.

Students who arrive at school after 8.45am period 1 because of illness, medical appointments or other authorised absence, must sign in the Sixth Form Area.  This applies to students who do not have a formal lesson period 1 – registration for school must be made before 8.35am in the Sixth Form Centre with Mrs Bolger.

A key principle is that students should be focused on academic work between the hours of 8.35am and 3.15pm.  Students must be on campus – it is formally noted students are not authorised to secure paid work or take driving lessons during these times.


Students are expected to attend all of their lessons, on time. This is clearly essential if best progress is to be made. Details about absence from school and from lessons will be included in reports.

Aim for 100% attendance and punctuality for the academic year, (minimum expected is 95%).  Please note, if attendance falls below 90% the Head of Sixth Form will review absences and make a decision on whether or not the school will fund examination entries.

When a student knows that they are going to be absent (e.g. hospital appointment, university interview) or due to any other unexpected reason it is a matter of courtesy to inform their Tutor and subject teachers in advance, where possible.

Parent/Carer should also inform Mrs C Bolger/Mrs C Was on 01895 679 400 (ext. 2028) stating the student’s name and a contact telephone number or to email Mrs C Bolger - and Mrs C Was -

It is inappropriate for students to miss school for family holidays, and this will not be authorised other than in exceptional circumstances.


Students should devote a substantial amount of time both at school and at home to private study. As a guideline the time needed for academic success is eight hours study per day. (Eight hours sleep and the other eight hours for travel, eating, socialising etc). 

In study periods, students may use the school LRC or Sixth Form Study Centre on the Cardinal Hume Campus, for independent as well as collaborative study. Students following courses requiring the use of specialist equipment should negotiate the use of specialist rooms with the teaching staff concerned. There is a definite expectation that students should do more than the set work.

Where students do not have specific homework tasks they should consolidate and extend their reading through additional reading, research and practice. Links to relevant subject based websites are available from Reading Lists displayed in all libraries.

Students who fail to meet expectations regarding attendance and punctuality will be required to complete independent work under supervised conditions in the Sixth Form Area – usually on staff INSET Days or extended days.


Students who are not performing as expected against their target grade on each tracking – shall be expected to attend Prep (extended school hours and timetabled supervised study periods). This period of Prep runs between tracking periods. Subject guidance is given by Subject Teachers to enable progress to be made. Only on their recommendation are students released from Prep.  Prep can also take place in periods where students are not timetabled for a subject lesson, and this independent study session can be turned into a supervised study session. Attendance to PREP is compulsory and non-negiotable.