Physical Education


The curriculum of our school is a reflection of our school ethos, vision and ambition. We seek to develop the whole child so that they can access all that life can offer. This means that in addition to the explicit curriculum that ultimately leads to external certification, we seek to develop lifelong learners who are spiritually, culturally, digitally and financially literate, in addition to understanding how to remain healthy and safe through their lifestyle choices.

Our Quality First Teaching Principles:

  • Highly focused lesson design with sharp learning objectives
  • High demands of pupil involvement and engagement with their learning
  • High levels of interaction for all pupils
  • Appropriate use of questioning, modelling and explaining on the part of the teacher
  • An emphasis on learning through dialogue, with regular opportunities for pupils to talk both individually and in groups
  • An expectation that pupils will accept responsibility for their own learning and work independently
  • Regular use of encouragement and authentic praise to engage and motivate pupils

Curriculum vision


Throughout their time in PE at The Douay Martyrs Catholic Secondary School, pupils will further develop and secure the core skills gained in key stage 2, and learn new skills to be applied at key stages 3 and 4. Through exploration of The PE national curriculum, students are to learn how transferrable skills can be applied to a range of activities.

Students will learn to enjoy being physically active, and adopt a lifelong interest in sport and physical activity, along with the benefits that are associated with a healthy, active lifestyle.

Lessons will be differentiated, and taught in a way that promotes inclusion, fairness, and above all enjoyment.

The delivery of PE at key stage 3 will encourage students to take the subject as an option at key stage 4, where students can achieve a level 2 qualification (Cambridge Nationals Sport Science).

Extracurricular PE will form a vital role in further developing student understanding in the various activities offered. The department aim is to hold extracurricular events against other schools in each activity covered in curriculum time PE, and for the results to be shared and celebrated with the wider school community. The extracurricular offer is integral to the day to day life of the PE department.


Through weekly involvement in key stage 3 and 4 general PE lessons, students will develop skills and qualities that will help them both in and outside of school routines. Students who are regularly physically active in our curriculum will develop confidence and the ability to work as a team. They will also develop listening and communication skills that are vital in other areas of their school curriculum, as well as having the confidence to take risks and be creative.

Students will adopt a healthy, active lifestyle where they value the benefits of regular exercise in maintaining good physical, and mental wellbeing.

Students who take PE as an option at key stage 4 will gain an appreciation for the more scientific elements that exist within the world of sport, with regards to areas such as the body systems, nutrition, sport psychology and training methods. These students will then be able to use this knowledge to enter further education, training or employment.

Please click on the document below to see our subject curriculum map for all years. 

Subject Documents Date  
PE Curriculum map 29th Sep 2023 Download