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Examination Results
This summer saw Douay Martyrs students celebrate tremendous examination success at A-Level and GCSE.
At both GCSE and A-Level a quarter of grades were awarded top grades. Despite the challenges of recent years, our students performed exceptionally well which is a testament to their tenacity, hard work, and the commitment of their teachers.
Overall results were in excess of those in 2019 and 2023, and all Year 13 students went onto their choice of Post 18 pathway, be it further education, apprenticeships or employment. We were delighted that our students were able to secure places to study Medicine at UCL, Engineering at Bristol, Computer Science at Durham, Physics at Queen Mary’s, Pharmacology at Southampton, Law at Warwick and also top-level Apprenticeships at Jaguar. This was in addition to numerous other Russell Group universities. In addition, incredible numbers of Year 11 students chose Douay as their primary destination for A-Level studies in Year 12.
GCSE outcomes were exceptionally strong with progress and attainment of the year group in the top 15% nationally, 75% of students gaining good grades in both English and Mathematics, and English outcomes within the top 10% nationally.
Please click here to see school GCSE and A-Level outcomes in detail.
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