The Diocese of Westminster Academy Trust
The Douay Martyrs Catholic School is one of a number of schools which operate within The Diocese of Westminster Academy Trust. Below is an introduction to the trust.
Our schools are very different ranging from large secondary schools to one-form entry primary schools however they all put the children at the heart of everything they do. This ensures that not only do our schools do well when measured against national norms but also they provide a happy and enjoyable environment where children can flourish. When DOWAT was established in 2012 the intention was that as much as possible would be delegated to local governing bodies but as the trust developed it became obvious that so much more could be achieved by working together. Strong partnerships have been formed whilst still recognising that as every child is unique so too are our schools and they are encouraged to develop and innovate in ways appropriate to their context. I encourage you to look at the websites of our schools to see the life of each school in greater detail. All the directors recognize that DOWAT would not be the successful trust that it is without the hard work and dedication of our headteachers and all who work in the schools. It is a privilege to be part of such an organisation.