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School Social Media
The Douay Martyrs Catholic Secondary School is on Instagram and X!
You can keep up to date on everything going on at school, from achievements, lessons, school trips and important reminders all on our social media channels.
To follow our school Social Media, simply scan the QR codes below, or you can search @douaymartyrscs on Instagram or X. These are our only official pages.
You can also now join our official LinkedIn page by adding us as an educator. This automatically adds you to our Alumni group. You can find our LinkedIn page by clicking here.
If you have any questions regarding our school social media, contact Mr F Ward on fward@douaymartyrs.co.uk.
Social Media Content:
Below you can find a small sample of some of the content posted on our Social Media channels!
2024 at The Douay Martyrs Catholic Secondary School:
Cardinal Hume Campus Tour:
Christmas Lunch 2024:
Staff Testimonials:
Annual Prize Giving Evening:
Ella and Lara talk about life at Douay Martyrs:
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