The Douay Martyrs Sixth Form is an inclusive comprehensive Catholic Sixth Form.
Sixth Form students make consistently good and often, exceptional progress. Sixth Form students benefit from high-quality teaching and a curriculum which is appropriate to their needs.
- “The school has raised its expectations for students in the sixth form. Students are committed to their studies and learning. Sixth-form students are positive role models for younger pupils. For example, they take pride in running a number of clubs and activities for pupils in Years 7 to 11”.
- “Students in the sixth form appreciate the level of detail and support provided by staff to improve their learning and understanding.”
- For younger pupils, “the school is committed to supporting pupils who have fallen behind with reading. Staff identify weaker readers and use a range of strategies to help these pupils gain confidence and fluency in their reading. For example, students in the sixth form work with younger pupils in reading sessions”.
- “The careers programme is well structured. Events, including careers fairs and visiting speakers, provide pupils with helpful guidance. Students in the sixth form receive personalised information and advice on pathways towards universities and apprenticeships”.
- The leadership of the sixth form is good.
- There is strong leadership capacity in the sixth form to drive improvements further.
- Leaders manage the programmes of study for students thoughtfully.
- Students who met with inspectors said they were pleased they had stayed in school for the sixth form. Most students go on to high-quality destinations in education or employment.
- Students appreciate the strong family environment in the sixth form.
- There is an exceptionally wide range of enrichment opportunities which helps students to develop personal and social skills. Student retention between Year 12 and Year 13 is high because of this support.
- Teachers have strong subject knowledge.
The Douay Martyrs Sixth Form offers high quality education and training to students aged 16–19 years old. The students in our Sixth Form have had outstanding results with students making excellent progress between GCSE and A Level. Sixth Form is a place where all our students can enjoy success in a friendly and supportive environment. Teachers and students work in a partnership and we have high expectations, and we believe that by working together we can ensure the best possible results for each individual. We offer a wide range of A-Level courses as well as BTEC IT, which run over 2 years. We also provide numerous opportunities for students to get involved with wider learning, leadership, volunteering, charitable and community projects.
The ethos of our Sixth Form is to ensure our students leave The Douay Martyrs sixth form with qualifications that match their personal interests and career aspirations and ensuring each individual develops the social and interpersonal skills to lead happy and productive lives.
We offer:
- Quality teaching and learning.
- A wide range of courses.
- A friendly, happy and supportive environment.
- A rich programme of activities.
- A full programme of higher education and careers advice and support.
Mr D Patel
Assistant Head Teacher: Head of Sixth Form