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- Safeguarding
Keeping Students Safe
We aim to create a caring and safe learning environment for our students. We have in place effective safe-guarding and child protection procedures. We are committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all our students.
A copy of our Safeguarding policy can be downloaded the bottom of this page alongside other key documents.
Safeguarding Officers:
- Designated Safeguarding Lead: Ms E Meade - lmeade@douaymartyrs.co.uk
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs C Bolger - cbolger@douaymartyrs.co.uk
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs T Harris - tharris@douaymartyrs.co.uk
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs M Read - mread@douaymartyrs.co.uk
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss M Vaughan - mvaughan@douaymartyrs.co.uk
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs S Wessels - swessels@douaymartyrs.co.uk
- E-Safety Lead Safeguarding Officer: Miss E Brenyah - ebrenyah@douaymartyrs.co.uk
- Safeguarding Officer: Ms. F McCloskey - headteacher@douaymartyrs.co.uk
- Safeguarding Officer: Ms H Murphy - hmurphy@douaymartyrs.co.uk
- Safeguarding Officer: Mrs M Quinn - mquinn@douaymartyrs.co.uk
- Safeguarding Officer: Mrs D Smith: - dsmith@douaymartyrs.co.uk
- Safeguarding Governor: Fr Tom Montgomery
Understanding Safeguarding
Parenting Support
Bringing up children is one of the most challenging and emotionally demanding jobs a parent will ever do. Sometimes it can feel that parenting has turned into a battle, rather than an adventure.
Brilliant Parents runs Parenting Courses supporting families across London, training parents using various Programmes such as Triple P and Parent Champion 1-2-1 support.
For more information and to complete a self referral, please click here to be taken to their website
Parenting and Family Support - Family Lives (Parentline Plus)Family Lives provides targeted early intervention and crisis support to families. If you need to talk, we're here to listen.